The NEW SuperCreativity Podcast Show – #291

The NEW SuperCreativity Podcast Show

SuperCreativity Podcast

  • The Creative Life Podcast

  • SuperCreativity

  • New Things Coming Up

For More of SuperCreativity Podcast By James Taylor

The Creative Life Podcast

So this show started as the creative life podcast over well, just under 300 episodes, or COVID. So 300 weeks, I've been recording a weekly episode on this show, where the guests will bring someone in to talk about some aspect of creativity, innovation, the world of ideas.

I was living in London where we first started the show and I had a company I was focused really on the building, which was an online education company with a big team for that business. I just needed a little thing at the side to have fun with to experiment to learn because I value learning is the most important value that I have in my life is the ability to be able to learn to discover new things. So I was this was really a bit of a passion project.

To start off, I had no major expectations for it apart from just every week, let's interview an interesting person and share it with you share it with our listeners and if it was people who liked it, we do another one and another one. And now nearly 300 episodes later. We've interviewed some pretty phenomenal people at that time. You know, in the world of writing with people like David Allen, writer of getting things done, Jay Papasan, the author of The one thing Joanna pen, Chris Guillebeau, near the $100 startup Rutger Bregman, utopia for realists, Michael Bungay Stanier, the coaching habit, Donald Miller, great writer Donald Miller. But then we've also interviewed lots of musicians and artists like Amanda Palmer, Tommy Emmanuel, Victor Wooten Prince's bass player, Nick West. And then in moving into the more academic side of things, lots of thinkers in the world of business, Dr. Amy Edmondson from Harvard University how Gregerson to Mark Goulston, as well as lots and lots of people who are speakers, authors, coaches, consultants, but they, have something around this world of creativity, innovation, and to a certain extent, around the world of technology as well, which is another area I'm interested in.

So I was every week recording these episodes, having a lot of fun, and doing them until it didn't become as much fun anymore. And it became a little bit routine. And the way we started the show just simply kind of learning I put together a series of questions. And pretty much every guest that came on. I was able to I asked those same questions might be a little bit of differentiation in some of the questions, but pretty much it was the same 10 or so questions, and people really liked that format.

They liked the fact that every single episode, I would get the guests to share what was their, their big aha moment in their life, what was the tool that the book they were reading, this really influenced what was their favorite album, their record, people kind of really enjoy the fact that they can list all these episodes, and they're gonna find those things from different people. But for me as a, as a host of a show, I frankly, I got a bit bored with doing it. And I wanted to switch things up.

So for a number of reasons in 2010, I want to be rich being a global pandemic that we've all been going through, I decided to take a pause on the show. And I was a little bit bored during the show. I wasn't feeling I was particularly learning I was kind of going through the ropes and you never want to do something just feels like a routine. You want to be excited every day. You want to have that kind of Hell yes. attitude to doing something my friend Derek Severs says. So I needed to make room for another couple of projects. One was I started writing working on my first book. And frankly, I also needed to focus on my clients, the people that really pay the bills. These are the people that often multinational companies that bring me in to be their keynote speaker at their events and to help them with these topics of creativity, innovation, artificial intelligence. And so I was really over the past year or so focused on working with them and helping them and our kind of put the creative life podcast show to the side for a little while.

There was episode still coming out. And we were taking some of the interviews I recorded for some other online summits. And we can use repurposing and using those but it wasn't perfect, but at least we were there, we're still producing some things that were coming out.


Now in that journey, to kind of really discovering what was exciting in this space of creativity and creativity, research and innovation in the world of ideas. Where did I see things going next? That's where clients bring me in to be the speaker at their events or conferences. And I arrived at this idea of SuperCreativity. And SuperCreativity is really about how we can now really develop our human creativity to its full potential and also augment it with experts. technologies like AI, like machine learning like robotics. And I've had a blast over the past, you know, year and a half. You know, in 2019, I was I spoke in 25 countries gave 50 keynotes in 2020. Even though I wasn't able to travel, I think we gave as many keynotes as that, but all virtual for some phenomenal companies, you will learn more about those at, the clients that we work with.

And this kind of got me rethinking about what we wanted to do with the show. And we had a conversation, number of conversations, my team and I, and we bounced ideas back and forth. And we brainstormed and use some of the techniques that we use here, and decided to really create some alignment with our shows.

So the first thing we decided to do, was to really focus everything around this idea of SuperCreativity, this brand of supercritical word that I really can create in the way that it is now and the way that is perceived to be. So we are I was already giving a keynote on this idea of SuperCreativity. We decided then to make the podcast move the podcast name, from the creative life to the SuperCreativity Podcast. And this had a number of things. One is It also allowed me to bring in voices that I would write nicely bring in if it was just really talking about their creative life. Maybe to bring in some other types of authors, other types of thinkers, other voices, frankly, we wanted to have on the show, so that this show itself has been now moving from it being called the creative life to being now called the SuperCreativity podcast. That's where we're going next.

New Things Coming Up

But in addition to that, we've got some really cool things that we're as we're going to extend upon this whole SuperCreativity branding. But the first thing I wanted to give you a bit of a heads up on some of the guests that we've got coming up because I also want to change the type of guests that we came up with. And as you'll notice from some of these guests, we've got some pretty big hitters here in the world in terms of thinkers. So our first episode of this new SuperCreativity podcast is with the great Seth Godin great creative thinker, great marketing mind, and it has a phenomenal interview. And I'm really looking forward, to sharing that with you. And you so you can listen to that episode.

But we've also got some other kind of highways and byways. We've got Carl Benedikt Frey, who's a professor from Oxford University, who really talks about the future of work because I find a lot of the work I'm doing today is that combination of our human creativity, our human curiosity, with exponential technologies, as I want to have that blend, I want to bring in people who are great researchers around creativity, great thinkers on the topic of creativity and curiosity, but also combine that with people who are really at the cutting edge of what's going on in the world of technology, and how those two things combined.

We've got people like Professor Roger Kneebone, he is a surgeon, not the first thing you naturally think of when you think about creativity. But he's written an excellent book called expert, all about the path to mastery. And we talk about creativity in the context of how you see top performers. Whether that top performer maybe a top surgeon, maybe a top musician, a top tailor, making a suit, this idea about how creativity comes into their work. I've got Dr. Cindy Burnett, because everything I share with you, I also want to keep it grounded in what is provable to this point, in terms of what is tested, what the research is showing us. And Dr. Cindy Burnett, who's an academic who writes and thinks and publishes work around creativity was, I was so glad that we could bring her in as one of our guests on this, this new version of the show. So we've got some really cool things coming up for you.

SuperCreativity TV, SuperCreativity Keynote SuperCreativity Book, SuperCreativityU

In addition to the podcast, though, which is going to be primarily audio podcasts, we might sometimes do video versions of the meal, but primarily an audio podcast, we are also going to be launching SuperCreativity TV, and SuperCreativity TV will be video episodes. Mostly we're gonna be talking about these shows on YouTube. But there will be other platforms as well. And this is just me, this is kind of certainly the kind of solo episodes where I'm sharing some discoveries I'm finding and ways that you can develop your creativity, make your team more innovative, increase your productivity, some of the things that we talk here about something else that's very exciting that we're working on just now in an addition to the SuperCreativity podcast and super creative TV show, there will also be a SuperCreativity book. This will be my first ever book, people have been asking me to publish a book for years and I'm finally got around to working on writing that on this book. And we hope to be getting that out in probably 2022. That book will be coming out.

And then finally, to kind of bring all this together to place it under something as well. We decided to create an institution a place where we can share some of the best training on this idea of SuperCreativity and we're gonna be sharing To training not just on creativity in terms of creativity, skills training was creative thinking training, but also around communication skills around critical thinking or in collaboration skills, all as it relates to, to developing a more creative team and building a more creative organization and living a more creative life. So that's going to be called SuperCreativity. You said creativity University, and keep an eye out for that as well. So now we have the SuperCreativity podcast, we have the SuperCreativity TV show, we have the SuperCreativity speech, the keynote, we have the SuperCreativity book, and we have SuperCreativity, you coming on coming up, giving that all kind of alignment, so you'll start to notice in the branding is going to be changing soon, won't happen overnight. So if you've been listening to the show, this has been called the creative life is now going to be changing into now this called the SuperCreativity podcast.

If you're already a subscriber, great, we don't have to do anything, nothing will change for you. If you're coming to us for the very first time, maybe someone's just sent you this episode, you can subscribe to the SuperCreativity podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts episodes. Also, while you're there, whether you're a new listener, or whether you've been listening for a while to some of our previous episodes, nearly 300 episodes, please go to wherever you listen to your podcasts and leave us a review. It really means a lot, I really appreciate you doing it. And also because the app with algorithms works, it exposes this show to more people. So that's the thinking. That's what's been going on behind the scenes, you're gonna see lots of more changes coming on as well changes to the only constant. And thank you if you've been listening to this show for a while

Thank you for coming on this journey with me. Thank you for listening to all these apps. Thanks for all the emails that we'll be receiving, or the tweets, we'll be receiving all the messages, build things in various different platforms, social media platforms. Thank you, thank you. It's been an absolute joy, doing the speakers a lot of doing the creative life but time changes, things move on. So we're now moving to this new exciting chapter of the SuperCreativity to be really podcast, TV show, keynote, book, speech, and university. So thanks so much for listening. Make sure you subscribe and look out for that very first episode in this new version of the show, which is with the wonderful Seth Godin. Thanks for listening


creativity blueprint        

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