Summer Read #1 – The Power of Less by Leo Babauta

It is my last vice.  I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs but I do seek out and read books with the same lack of self-control as a crack addict.  I love everything about books, their tactile nature, as a repository for information and as a way of getting inside someone elses skin and walking […]

21st Century Enlightenment

I’m a big fan of Matthew Taylor, Chief Exec of the the RSA and one-time Chief Advisor on Political Strategy to Tony Blair.  Matthew was appointed to the Labour Party in 1994 to establish Labour’s rebuttal operation. His activities before the Labour Party included being a county councillor, a parliamentary candidate, a university research fellow […]

Locke’s Justification of the State

1. Introduction Recently the discussion of the role of the State has had a resurgence thanks in no small part to the indiscretions of some of our elected officials.  This may have led to political journalists dusting off their copies of Locke, Hobbes and Hume in order to go back to answering the questions of […]

Thomas Hobbes’ ‘Leviathan’

1.The Fool – A Definition Hobbes’ ‘Leviathan’ is one of the most important books in political philosophy chiefly because it offered a view of how we should organise ourselves in order to avoid a life that was ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short’. It famously created in the mind of the reader a vision of […]