The Meaning of Life in 368 Words

What’s the point?  This is a question most of us will ask ourselves throughout the course of our lives.  While recently pondering this question I wanted to relay to you a distilled version of the thinking of the Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, the Buddha and the Auschwitz survivor and author Viktor Frankl […]

Why I Work

I’ve been reading a lot of books and blogs recently about our attitude to work in the West and how it differs to other parts of the World and throughout history.  I thought I would reflect on my attitude to work and its place in my life: Work As A Necessary Condition At its most […]

Sustainability Rider for Keynote Speakers

With the effects of the climate crisis being felt across the world, we are at an important crossroads. The decisions we make today will greatly impact our future. As a keynote speaker working internationally, I try to play my part as a change-maker – using my voice to push for the changes needed to reduce […]

Forbes feature on Keynote Speaker James Taylor

Featured on Forbes

Forbes recently ran this feature article on how I adapted my keynote speaking business during the pandemic. The Forbes article is part of a series of pieces by best-selling author Elaine Pofeldt on the trend of Tiny Businesses; microbusinesses making big money—revenue in the high six figures, the seven figures, or beyond. Elaine says; “Thanks […]

Top Virtual Emcee for Sustainability and ESG Conference

Virtual Emcee

It was my pleasure this month to act as virtual emcee for Globant Converge Europe, a conference that brought together some of the leading thinkers on sustainability, ESG, blockchain and artificial intelligence. Thanks to Globant and to Unlock Productions in Argentina for producing this excellent event. If you are looking for a top virtual emcee […]