Tag: book review

All Marketers Are Liars – Video Book Review

Seth Godin is probably the leading living writer on marketing and his blog is one of the most widely read. The reason he has such a local following is because of the clarity of his insights on the role of marketing in the spreading of ideas. His latest book ‘All Marketers Are Liars’ is about the stories we tell to sell our products, services, brands and even political candidates. If you want a deep, a really deep understanding of marketing in the 21st Century then you should read this book. It will make you think in a whole new way.

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Married to Bhutan – Video Book Review

Bhutan has always been one of those countries that has interested me ever since I heard that the King said he’d rather have Gross National Happiness than Gross National Product for his people. Linda Leaming’s new book ‘Married to Bhutan’ (affiliate link) tells her fascinating story of how she went on a vacation to Bhutan and never came back. In the process she got married, did lots of interesting things and in her words ‘found bliss’.

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