Steve Jobs and Marketing Apple

Recently finished reading the Walter Isaccson biography on Steve Jobs and it is probably one of the best biographies I have ever read. By the end of this book I can guarantee that while you may have concluded that Steve Jobs was not a particularly nice human being you’ll be left in no doubt what a […]

The Third Man by Peter Mandelson

Two of my biggest passions are politics and marketing and the other night I sat down to read Peter ‘Mandy’ Mandelson’s biography ‘The Third Man’.  If you are not from the UK I should probably explain that Mandy was behind the rise of New Labour, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in British Politics and is […]

Tim Ferriss ‘The 4-Hour Body’ – Video Book Review

[youtube] I was super excited when I heard that Tim Ferriss, author of one of my favorite books ‘The Four Hour Work Week’, had written a guide book to rapid fat-loss, fitness and becoming superhuman.  First of all ‘The 4-Hour Body’ is a BIG book, weighing in at 570 pages and with chapters like Building […]

Married to Bhutan – Video Book Review

Bhutan has always been one of those countries that has interested me ever since I heard that the King said he’d rather have Gross National Happiness than Gross National Product for his people. Linda Leaming’s new book ‘Married to Bhutan’ (affiliate link) tells her fascinating story of how she went on a vacation to Bhutan and never came back. In the process she got married, did lots of interesting things and in her words ‘found bliss’.

Built to Sell by John Warrillow

If you have a business you’d like to sell at some point in the future or are even considering starting your first business you’ve got to check out ‘Built to Sell: Creating a business that can thrive without you’ by John Warrillow (affiliate link).